Language Courses and other Education

On the map below you will find all language courses and other courses in which people without a legal residence permit can participate. Courses in both official Dutch and French-language adult education are not accessible to people without legal residence residence status. By means of this map we provide an overview of associations and organizations that develop their own offer through the use of volunteers or with their own resources. It is therefore often not about official schools, but initiatives that promote the integration or personal development of everyone. The blue dots refer to literacy centers. The orange dots to organizations that offer language courses and other training.

There are a number of situations in which adults with, for example, a pending application for humanitarian regularization or another precarious residence situation can still go to school. Pigment made an overview of the legal framework for this. Click here for detailed information.

There are also several language apps to help learn the basics of various languages. Duolingo is the most used and known app, but there is also LANGO which is made especially for refugees.