Food Shortage by Corona

Voyaach is a partnership between Pigment, Meeting and Friends Of K that caters to people without legal residency. In times of Corona, they are inundated with requests for food items. After all, the food shortage is severe. Food banks are facing shortages and the few (precarious) income activities available to this group are at a standstill. The measure stating that people can only pay by bank card in stores makes everything even more difficult for this target group. People without legal residence cannot and may not open a bank account in our country. This is only a brief summary of the obstacles that the corona measures cause.

Through donations to Pigment, food is purchased for the many people who identify shortages. Support is possible through Pigment’s account number – BE 93 735 014 344 567 – with the reference ‘corona donation’. Every little helps to feed these many mouths.

Grateful greetings!